In the Beeyards
Honeybee Removal
Extracting Honey
Bee hives on cotton fields


Honeybees are perhaps the worlds most important insect, atleast from an agricultural point of view. Keeping bees has always been something I've been interested in and keeping bees for pollenation and for honey is a perfect fit for our opperation. Some farms have cows, sheep or goats for livestock, we have honeybees.

We have 5 beeyards in Walton County right now and a beeyard at our farm in Greensboro.  We are looking to expand. We are  intrested in catching swarms or doing honeybee removal so keep your eyes open! If you or someone you know has a honeybee problem let me know, maybe we can make it a win-win situation.

Honeybees face a lot of challanges today, from widespread pesticide applications to new paraisites like varroa mites and Small Hive Beetles to the mystery of Colony Colapse Disorder or CCD. I approach beekeeping similar to the way I approach farming; my goal is to be a good steward of what God's put in my care.


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