In the Beeyards
Honeybee Removal
Extracting Honey
In the Beeyards
May 26, 2011

Bees found a couple of wet supers in the back of the truck

Clean up crew

May 23, 2011

My friend and fellow beek Jim Saye helped us pull and extract a little over 110 pounds from 3 hives today! Stef and I are working on a youtube video of the process...hope to have it up soon!

May 16, 2011

This hive is at the farm in Greene county. It came from a trap out we did for a church in Monroe last year. Last fall I noticed that the bees had drawn a crazy frame,and I let it go for the winter. Today was the day of reckoning, where I had to go in and cut out the wild comb and place it in a frame.
Bad frame

Another intresting thing about this hive: I experimented with cutting plastic foundation in half and using it as a guide...trying to get a little more milage out of my foundation. Well, I learned that the bees DO NOT like plastic foundation. Even where they started to draw out comb on the plastic foundation, they would often bend it out so it didn't touch the plastic after a while. It's often complained about among beeks that bees are slow to draw out plastic foundation. I've been using some wax foundation this spring and the difference is huge! Wax foundation is a little harder on the beekeeper but seeing these frames just sealed the deal for me. No more plastic foundation for my girls.

Avoiding the plastic foundationProof enough for me

May 5, 2011

Setting up a new beeyard at HaydenGrove Farm in Henry County to do some pollination

Bees at Matt's Farm, HaydenGrove

April 27, 2011

Here it comes! The first of the 2011 honey crop!

2011 honey

April 20, 2011

The flow is on!

Red clover in front of bees

April 14, 2011

Everyone is asking for honey, but we are sold out! Here's a progress report...Looks like Mid May for first extracting. Bees have lot's of frames filled with "green" honey..just has to be ripened and capped. Blackberries and Tulip Poplars are starting to bloom so the honey will continue to be flowing in!

Starting to cap a full frame of honey

April 2, 2011

Setting up mating nucs at Broadnax. With any luck we will have a bunch more beehives soon!

Mating nucs

April 1, 2011

My good friend Jim Saye has some bees we recently relocated to his place in Good Hope. They decided to play and April Fools Day trick on him by swarming.

swarm at Jim's

March 23, 2011

The learning never ends! Working on the ins and outs of Queen rearing. Here we have a cell starter on top of some donor hives.

cell starter

Sucess! A Queen cell that the Queen has emerged from!

Queen Cell

March 15, 2011

Here is a frame from the hive we relocated last week. The queen is on there. Can you see her? HINT: She's near the rubber band. Great news to know we got the queen while doing the cut out!

Where's Waldo

March 7, 2011

Starting a new beeyard at the farm.

New hive

This hive is the bees we removed from a house in Northwest Atlanta today. We have a small fenced in area at the farm we once used for chickens, that we are now turning over to the bees. I'll move the other hive we have at the farm to this yard soon. Plan to build some nice hive a little our spare!

March 2, 2011

Spring Build up

This is a what every beek loves to see in late winter/early spring! Lots of capped brood. Soon to be brand new honey makers!

Drone Brood

The brood in this pic are Drones (males). This tells me it's time to start raising new Queens.

February 26 2011

Been through all the hives now..everyone is looking good. Queens laying, plenty of stores....ready for Spring! Looks like we're having an early one this year.

February 13, 2011

Nice warm day, looking through the bees at Yorkshire

February 6, 2011

Playing with the Flip video camera and a YouTube channel

January 31 2011

Taking a peek in one of the Yorkshire hives on a rare warm day. Can see that the girls are eating on the candy board and the pollen patty. Spotted the Queen, but she's not laying.

candy board

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